Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August Meeting

This is a reminder that we have our monthly Ozarks Draft Horse Association meeting this coming Saturday, August 28. It is at 1 Pm at Jim and Lora McCabe's home in Mammoth Spring. We will be having a potluck lunch, so please bring a dish. Things are heating up in the club and we have lots to discuss, so please be there.

Among the items to discuss and/or vote on are:

1. Elections for officers will be held.
2. We will be having a booth at the Ozarks' Sustainability Festival in West Plains in Sept, so we need to discuss this and have volunteers sign up to man the booth.
3. We need to plan fund raising events/opportunities.
4. Do we want to have a booth at Timberfest in Doniphan in October? What about the Walnut Festival In Alton in Oct?
5. We will also be voting on a name change for the Association.

If you have something you would like us to discuss at the meeting, please send your ideas to Kirsten (2percherons@gmail.com) or me.

Thanks, and hope to see you there!

Margie Paskert Lennington


Ozarks Draft Horse Association

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