Sunday, December 27, 2009

We had a Ozark Draft Horse Association meeting on December 12, 2009
at the Howell Oregon Electric building at 5 pm.
There was a confusion with the key when we got there, so Kirsten waited until 5:15pm; two more people showed up, and we posted a note on the door about the change of location for the meeting.
We moved to the China Buffet, across from Walmart.

Notes from the meeting:
Steve Driscoll has worked out a club discount with Mischka press for members of the association.
Donna Comer with Backfortybooks attended.
Keith Temple, a new attendee, is a mule man, but also uses ponies and horses. He also sells some horses and can help people to find a team. I think he is a great resource for the club.
One couple(Lora and Jim Mc Cabe) came late.
The note announcing the changed location may have been blown off the door on this so windy and rainy evening.
Lora told me that she will be happy to host a meeting since they have a big house and lots of room.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you and yours from the Ozark Draft Horse (or other animal) Association.

Click on the links for some Christmas cheer!

Belgian horses deliver Christmas tree.

Rudolf the red nosed Water Buffalo.

Christmas oxen.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pulling sleds of hay

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Harness for sale!

From Mary Scott


We have our custom harness for sale for $950, if anyone is interested. It includes bridles, collars and lines.

December meeting

We hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
It's that time of the year again. :-) We are having our Christmas meeting and potluck dinner in West Plains at the Howell Oregon Electric Building.

Date: December 12TH 2009
Time: 5 PM
Location: Howell Oregon Electric Building in West Plains.

Please make a note of it.

We hope to see you all and bring some Christmas Spirit as well.
See you then.
Call for more info or directions.
Al and Kirsten Kosinski(V.Pres.)
417 778 6009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

December Meeting - Pot Luck!

Our next Draft Animal Club meeting is now on the calendar.
where: Howell Oregon Electric Building in West Plains
when : Saturday Dec the 12TH.
time: 5 PM
It's a pot luck, so bring your favorite food to share.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Officers, etc.

The re-organized Ozarks Draft Horse Association has new officers.

President: Dennis Goodall 417-293-5992

Vice-President: Kirsten Kosinski 417-778-6009

Secretary: (Pending)

Although the name of the club currently says "Horse," we gladly accept membership from all draft animal enthusiasts. If you have oxen, horses, ponies, water buffalo, or mules please call Kirsten and learn more about joining us.

You may be interested in reading more about draft horses at
There is also a print version of the magazine available by subscription.

For information of interest to homesteaders in general, explore

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 2009 Meeting

The October meeting of the Ozarks Draft Horse Association was held on Saturday, October 24, 2009, at 1:00 PM at the home of Al and Kirsten Kosinski. An incredible turnout of seventeen people bringing potluck dishes for lunch created a wonderful ambiance as we ate and visited in the back yard.

President Dennis Goodall brought the meeting to order and welcomed all the members and guests. Attendees introduced themselves and stated what kinds of draft animals and experience each had. In the club, we have a broad range of membership, all the way from decades of driving experience to rookies who have only a few hours behind a team.

The following topics were discussed:

The name of the organization - Due to the history of the current name, changing it was discussed. There is interest in Ozark Heritage Draft Club, Ozark Heritage Draught Association, and Ozark Heritage Drovers Club. On the wisdom of Doc Weatherford, the topic was tabled for future discussion.

Future plans - It is hoped that the club will be able to host classes in hitching a team for members who have less experience, as well as the public. A driving school was discussed.
Long term goals include an online store.

The club has a Neck Yoke and Doubletree available for sale.

The Thomasville School facility is available for use by the club for future events.

There is currently no bank account for the organization, although many people have paid their dues. The account for the previous organization was closed, and a balance of $56 is being held by the former secretary. Plans were discussed for opening a new account as soon as possible. Thayer Bank was suggested for convenience, as it has branches in many area towns.

Donna Coomer of presented information about this organization and its sister companies,, and Back40Books offers a wide range of publications about homesteading, gardening, sustainable agriculture, animal husbandry, and other topics of interest to rural residents. The radio station is available online. The forum offers an internet community for discussion of a wide range of topics.


After the meeting, Kirsten and Al led tours of their farm.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

You can ride them, too!

Dr. Michael Moore and his grandson, David, riding Abbygale.

Abbygayle's newborn filly, Madeline, about one hour old on April 25, 2008, nursing for the first time.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New time - ODH Meeting!

There's a new time for the Ozarks Draft Horse Association Meeting, but the date is the same.

Date: Saturday, Oct 24th
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Home of Al and Kirsten Kosinski

It's a pot luck, and please bring some folding chairs.
Let's hope the good weather will last.

Call 417 778 6009 if you need directions.

Current Officers:

President: Dennis Goodall - 417 778 5992
Vice President: Kirsten Kosinski - 417 778 6009
Secretary: PENDING

Duane Dawson in Alton, Oregon County, Missouri is training Jerseys and Red Devon cattle to be draft animals. He also has Belgians.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

auction including horses, equipment, tack

Here's a link to a the Ozark Horse Trader's website. The lower right ad has details. Percheron horses!

Click here:
Horse Trader

Thursday, October 1, 2009

More news than CNN!

Draft animal owners are flocking to our club. We recently heard from Sue Weaver of Mammoth Spring, Arkansas. Although she *really* wanted a yak, she now has a water buffalo. In many parts of the world, water buffalo are the farm animals of choice because they are both powerful and gentle.

Sue writes for Hobby Farm magazine and has a blog on their website.

Sue's resident water buffalo is Ludo.

A more common team in this area is the Percheron mule team belonging to Karen and Joe Bernstein. Tom and Jerry are 16 years old, and Joe has logged with them since April, 2001. They are half brothers and have always been together. Joe occasionally works them individually, but they generally work as a team.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

All the Pretty Horses

Michelle and John Joseph in Couch have a beautiful herd of Clydesdales. Michelle is the secretary of the Ozarks Draft Horse Association.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gentle Giants

Although driving draft horses is usually a male dominated activity, these gentle giants drive well even for a novice female!
Alice Kaspar and Kirsten Kosinski of Alton, Missouri, take a turn through the pasture on Alice's second day of driving.
Rowdy and Rambo are wonderfully patient!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's not just about horses!

Charles Roark of Koshkonong, Missouri, has trained seven teams of oxen. These are Milking Shorthorns.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Come One; Come ALL !!
Team-Wagon-Horseback Overnight Trail Ride in The Mark Twain National Forest,
October 3RD & 4TH at Thomasville,Oregon County, Missouri.
Most Everything Furnished
Food, Fun, People as well as Horses
Ride covers approximately 12 miles.
$ 30. per Adult
Children with or without horses, price adjusted.
For more information call Randy at 417-247-1689

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A New Beginning

The Ozarks Draft Horse Association is reorganizing. In a recent meeting, new officers were elected, and a new direction for the club was discussed. The list of officers will be posted soon.

The next club meeting is scheduled for October 24, 2009 at 10:00 AM, at the barn of Kirsten and Al Kosinski, Alton, Missouri.

A drive is scheduled at Thomasville, Missouri, for October 3 and 4. Contact Randy Marlow for more information. 417 764 3638.